I am currently in the midst of a week long international trip by myself.  I left my husband and two young children at home and am on a working holiday.  When I left home last Thursday, it was HARD! I am a working mom and would like to share my thoughts and advice with other momma’s who want to travel.  My apologies for the gentleman, this post really isn’t for you! (It is a little bit though, if you want to help give your wife the gentle push to get out!)

Is it hard to leave? YES! A resounding yes! I love my husband and children to pieces.  I never used to be nervous before I left on a trip, but now that I have the babes, every time I leave town I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that appears the day I am to leave.  Push through it though – it is okay to be true to yourself and an amazing mom! My kids are both still young, so I have learned to not talk about my travel until the day I fly out – otherwise, they don’t like to go to sleep.

What do I tell the kids?  The day I fly out, whether it is early or late in the day, I do tell them before we leave for the airport.  My oldest is not quite three and totally understands what the airport is – she knows someone is flying on a plane.  I talk to them about the trip, tell them what I am doing, and when I am coming home.  I remind them how much I love them, who special they are to me, and how I will miss them.  I also remind them to be good for daddy and to have fun while I am gone.  I do feel this is important even though they are 1 and 2 as I believe children are aware of a lot more than we adults give them credit for understanding.

I have done solo trips out of the US before and for me, traveling by myself is quite different than traveling with someone else.  I have to always be on alert. I don’t like to go out at night  unless it is a safe, comfortable area (this is partially due to me not liking night in general). I definitely don’t go for drinks at a bar or pub and walk back to a hotel by myself.  However, I tend to travel at a slower pace and not do as many activities.  I (try to) sleep more.  I visit the spa.  Not all aspects of being by myself are bad!

If you are a mom or just in need of a break and are traveling by yourself, take full advantage of the situation.  Do all the things you would love to do, but don’t have the time to do.  Go visit the spa, the gym, or take a long walk with no real destination.  Read a book in a park.  Visit a museum and take time to see all the exhibits you would like. Use your time and quietness to self reflect about what is all going on life.

What you shouldn’t do is linger on who is not with you! If you spend all day thinking about your significant other, kids, etc the trip will not go well.  Yes, take the time to facetime or email as needed, but don’t be counting down the minutes until the next communication.  I do stay in daily touch with my family when I travel, usually by email and IM.  Phone calls are hard to coordinate but I will usually try to slip in one at some point in the trip.

Don’t let traveling solo be the reason to stay home.  Embrace it, enjoy the opportunity and make the best of experience.